

Shoot, I like this site, a lot. I dig the tall rectangle project sections. It's such a simple change from the standard stuff we see all the time. But, dang is it effective. I'll remember that for a long while. Very nice! I've redesigned my website ( again ). I'm still...



Whew. I loved making my way all the way to the bottom of this home page. The way the copy plays with the headlines and sections is brilliant. I love it. I also really dig the overall design. Colors, layout, etc... for each section, it changes up enough to show that...



Very nice grid based layout and a design that takes advantage of that grid and escapes it for good impact lower down on the page. I love the main nav and how it fills in with the overall grid beautifully, with that mega-drop-down design. Solid work here.

Radar #144

Radar #144

Each week, we do a round up of curated "stuff from the interwebs" that we call Radar. In this week's 144th Radar: How to create a movement: Trust, transparency, and telling your true story The path to a good product is never pretty. We’ve all faced those moments where...

David Arias

David Arias

I love this simple portfolio site for David Arias. It's simple yet impactful design like this that gets me going. I love the interaction that's in place on each work sample and the way the work just slides up into the header area as you scroll just gives me a nice...

hello trio

hello trio

Pretty cool vibe to this site. I dig the hero area and the slight parallax/apple movement technique. I also really dig the visual break down of each section as you scroll down the page. Solid work.



Really great mix of illustration and interactive work. It's a fairly fixed design but it's fun even if I don't read Polish. The menu design is also pretty clever too, with the little back arrow worked on there.



Some really crazy parallax and interactions on the Rumchata website to get you going.



Nice structured design. I dig the density of content to design as you make your way down the pagescroll. Solid colors and solid visual brand too. Check the globe on the main hero area as you scroll. Subtle but cool.



I like how this design feels very open. The interactive parts are sort of placed on top of the imagery to make it feel like it's floating there. There is also a play between the back and forward arrows and the entire, oversized, image changing out too. Cool visual...



What a badass website. It's really the approach to the brand that drives this site design. From the animated background flag to each illustration and placement of content this website makes me happy. Bravo.

Focus Lab

Focus Lab

Solid and clean site from Focus Lab out of Savannah, Georgia (just a hop and a skip from us). While I love the whole site - on thing that's really smart is the video links throughout the site - they are subtle, but pretty effective.



Woah. That's what I said when I first loaded this site up. It's plenty full of visuals and good looking teaser imagery. It's pretty solid in execution too. I love that first moment when you start to scroll this site down the most. It's a nice little surprise as the...



Nice solid branding and colors. I love the main nav interaction too, the little details really make it work for me here.

Radar #143

Radar #143

Each week, we do a round up of curated "stuff from the interwebs" that we call Radar. In this week's 143rd Radar: StarWarsIntro.css A CSS Library for the Star Wars Intro Crawl Scaling Knowledge at Airbnb Recently, we’ve started to tackle a different type of problem....

Atelierroute Utrecht

Atelierroute Utrecht

Nice left nav layout approach to this website. I dig the straight up hard angles and blockiness to it too. Asymmetry is a good thing!

UrrutiMeoli Estudio

UrrutiMeoli Estudio

Cool grid layout to the UrrutiMeoli Estudio website. I dig the large square photos placed above the cut out style photos. It makes a nice presentation as you scroll. Giving the content good rhythm. Submitted by: Facundo Urruti Role: Designer Country: Argentina



There's a lot familiar with this layout and then there's parts that are fresh. I dig that balance. Taking that standard feeling bootstrap layout and changing it up a enough to make it hit home is nice. From the Designer: Amazepress is an international web design,...

Modulos Desk

Modulos Desk

Very cool product here, and equally well done website. What i'm digging most is all the fiddly stuff in the main nav/logo area. I love how the logo changes out as you scale the page to different screen widths. I also really like the finishing touches put on the...

Interactive Red

Interactive Red

Another really great looking web design company website. Super solid work here. I love just about everything about this as it walks the line well between creative and corporate. The best part are all the case studies like this one.

Commando Group

Commando Group

Man oh man, I love this website for Commando Group. It hits all the right notes for me. It's simple and almost minimal, I love that logo and then the overall organization of the page layout is easy to take in and see. Lovely.

Prateek Dave

Prateek Dave

I like this portfolio site for Prateek Dave because it seems to take an almost standard approach to the overall layout and design and add some special details to it to make it feel different. I like the tool-tip thing on the hero section and the menu drop down is...

The MX5 Supercharger Kit

The MX5 Supercharger Kit

This site has a lot of really cool looking sections. It's mainly a product site first and foremost and it really does a good job selling the product both visually and contextually and at the same time it really sells the quality of the product with it's quality of...

Nurture Digital

Nurture Digital

Ah man - check out this site by Nature Digital out of LA. While I'm not as wild about sites that change the footprint of your cursor, it's cool here with the video background. But what is really cool is the layout and movement of the case studies - love the video and...



Man what a cool website. I love when things can be simply and easily communicated without much fuss (interaction/animation/crazy) and this site does just that. With visual pacing, clever graphic design and layout the Innovatemap site just drives along where it needs...

Jacob Stringfellow

Jacob Stringfellow

There is some good stuff on this portfolio website for Jacob Stringfellow. I Love the way the logo is intercut like it is with the skyline image. It's overall a beautiful design as well, each page carefully crafted to look its best. Love it. From the Designer: Jacob...

Fun Beer Tours MKE

Fun Beer Tours MKE

Solid graphic design for the Fun Beer Tours MKE website. I love the bold graphic look and strong colors. I really dig the call to action too, placed easily noticeable in the center of the page there and very clear and easy to understand. From the Designer: Fun Beer...

Radar #142

Radar #142

Each week, we do a round up of curated "stuff from the interwebs" that we call Radar. In this week's 142nd Radar: Discover the UX secrets behind Tinder Tinder product manager Scott Hurff spills his secrets on designing products people love. FEDC – New Speakers Added...

Steve Fraschini

Steve Fraschini

Pretty clever visuals, simple execution, means I like it. Particularly the Bushido section... Hell that could be the home page really. Love this stuff. Submitted by: Steve Fraschini Twitter: @Novagraphix Role: Designer Country: France



I love the subtlety employed in this design. It's very straight forward and then you start to notice all the little details and interaction. Beautifully executed too. Portfolio of Igor Plac, designer and web designer from Croatia. Submitted by: Igor Plac Role:...