Artisan Talent

Very nice simple design but packed with strong illustration and detail work. I love seeing real commercial work that pulls in what the studio that created it can really do. Solid work.


Brand designers, Percept developed branding for a consultancy firm. The task was for brand positioning and brand strategy, then branding.
Stripe Startups

Stripe Startups

Holy cow what a super detailed design for Stripe Startups. Now this isn’t the most trendy, over the top, designer portfolio style design but if you are a UX professional you’ll just love to pick this one apart. Dig into it with the video...
Forward Obsessed

Forward Obsessed

I like the stark black and white approach to the design on this podcast website. The scrolling display of sections is pretty trendy and this example works really well. I dig the background/hero animation as well.


Really fun scroll interaction on this website. It’s super simple and likely that people never really listen to the show on the actual website, but man is it memorable when you go there.