About Unmatched Style

What is Unmatched Style?

Unmatched Style is not just another CSS design gallery. We want to foster constructive design criticism as well as provide inspiration to our readers.

We have historically been (and always will be) dedicated to acknowledging those who have made exceptionally gorgeous web sites by employing web standards and good usability practices. By recognizing these exceptionally beautiful designs, other designers and businesses can get inspired and find a direction they may wish to take with their own web sites.

Unmatched Style always strives to bring inspiration to web designers across the web, from providing quality content in the form of informative articles, interviews and discussion.

Can I submit my own site?

Absolutely. In fact, we encourage you not only to submit your own site, but any site that you feel is worthy of being listed here. To do so, please visit our submission form, and input the required information. Do your best to make sure that the site meets our guidelines.

What are your submission guidelines?

Please keep in mind that not all of these guidelines have the same weight on the overall decision, and not all of them are required to be followed. However the more that are followed, the greater the chances of it being acknowledged.

The guidelines are as follows:

  • The site must display proficient use of web standards. Any site that does not meet this guideline will not be considered.
  • The site should use web standards to the best of its ability. This means no use of redundant code, proper markup. Validation isn’t a requirement, though we do test to see if it will validate and there’s extra points in it for you if it does.
  • The site should be attractive. Unmatched Style is about recognizing those who do it right, and with a good sense of flair.
  • If the main page of your site is a splash page, generally we won’t follow it beyond that.
  • If your site uses audio for the sake of audio, like background music (and you are not a musical artist) generally we will close out the browser on your site.
  • If your site is designed specifically as a linkbait or linkfarm and serves no other purpose we will not review it.

This is unfortunate but we have to say it: as you would expect we do reserve the right to not feature any site as we choose. We also reserve the right to not explain to you why we elect to not feature your website.

What are the guidelines to commenting?

We do have a few simple rules to posting comments. These rules are not to limit you, but rather to make sure no one gets offended and to avoid fighting. So when commenting please keep in mind:

  • Make sure your comment is relevant to the topic. Discussion not pertaining to the subject will be deleted.
  • Make sure to be polite. This does not mean you cannot provide negative feedback to a topic, just make sure that you are not rude or offensive about it. Be constructive.
  • Be specific if you can. Give reasons as to why you like a certain aspect of a website. This helps designers and anyone else reading your comments.

If you’ve been featured here before

Go on, show it off with an unmatchedstyle.com badge for your home-page.


News & Articles

The Essential Guide to Getting Started on Freelance Writing

The Essential Guide to Getting Started on Freelance Writing

Explore the lucrative and fulfilling world of freelance writing with our essential guide. Learn about specialties like blogging, social media, article, and technical writing. Build a portfolio, find work, set up your business, and discover the potential earnings. Embrace the freedom of working from home and follow tips for success in your dream career.