by Aaron Griswold | Jan 8, 2015 | Gallery, Shopping
Ok – it took me a minute to see what Hyper Market’s website was doing here. Scroll all the way down, and you see the gray on the right is a shadow of the yellow that’s scrolling up the screen – which is a cool effect. To accomplish that, it...
by Gene Crawford | Jan 7, 2015 | Gallery, Nonprofit
There is really a lot going on here with the Van Gogh Museum website. From the different design decisions made across the different screen widths to the navigation details. You really need to go spend some time clicking through this one guys.
by Aaron Griswold | Dec 30, 2014 | Gallery, Shopping
Fun and maybe appropriate way to end the year with Montreal’s Phoenix Creative Studio’s Agency Survival Kits. Basically – our normal MO during the last two weeks of the year for our client services part of our business, Period Three, we go minimal,...
by Aaron Griswold | Dec 29, 2014 | Gallery
I was working on some Top 10 posts for the end of the year, and stumbled onto Tapan Babbar’s site: 75 Years of Batman. @tapanbabbar He made all of the Batman logos using CSS, with a little parallax thrown into Gotham itself. Pretty cool! And… if this and...
by Aaron Griswold | Dec 23, 2014 | Gallery, Marketing Company
Crash, bang, wow! Ars Thanea’s agency site is a visual assault on your senses – that’s a good thing. The video background / slideshow on the home page actually makes you stay on the page / and watch a slideshow. Cool how when you mouse to the left or...