Lee Vaughan

Lee Vaughan

Very cool. I like the fade-in loading of the section images. I also really like the skills graphing breakdown. Pretty clever. Role: Designer & Developer Country: Australia


Can’t tell if this is a theme or not, but regardless it’s nice. I like the groupings and layout of the picture sections. That’s really nice and gives us a nice asymmetrical look that really makes you take note. Submitted by: Lucyna Eich Role: PR...
Amex Essentials

Amex Essentials

Pretty nifty, big commercial, project. I dig the details worked into the design/interactions and the overall way it’s presented visually. Cool looking project. American Express Essentials is the definitive digital compendium of the best and brightest new ideas....
Humans & Machines

Humans & Machines

I like the minimal approach to the Humans & Machines website design. I also really dig the timed scrolling interactions, it doesn’t feel at all like it’s taking over my scrolling experience and is really smooth. Humans & Machines is an independent...
Brave People

Brave People

Such solid layout. And that menu nav design is pretty rad. I love the off-kilter approach to the overall layout, it keeps the site feeling fresh, even to someone who looks at thousands of sites a month. 🙂