

Very cool interaction with the mouse and the main website graphic of the brain. I like the way it uses the scroll and interaction with the main graphic to support the story telling as you use the website. Good stuff.
We AppIt

We AppIt

Weappitright is a top mobile app and web development company in North Carolina. As one of the top development firms in The United States of America, we offer a range of innovative services that help businesses around the world grow and reach their top potential. Our...
Stephanie Walter

Stephanie Walter

Clean and straightforward website design. As expected from a UX pro 🙂 I really dig the illustration and little floating parts of it. Such great content here as well. Enjoy!
Pencil & Paper

Pencil & Paper

This has a kind of “template” vibe to me in some areas, but man do I love illustrations. In this case they’re using them to tell the story of what they do, also utilizing some lazy loading to make the down scroll feel fun. It’s also really...