Website Store

Website Store

I admit, at first I was taken aback on the Website Store UK website out of the UK.. (wait, what did I write there?) – mainly because of the name and the image of the iPhone and iMac site mock ups in front of the full width and height images. Pressing on, found...
Ellen Tracy

Ellen Tracy

High fashion is followed by slick design in this site for Ellen Tracy, done by The Charles NYC. I already like the work that The Charles does (like the Bloomberg Media site we reviewed a little while back) – so when they submitted this site, I was looking...
Xavier Roggen

Xavier Roggen

Xavier Roggen’s portfolio site out of Brussels is minimal, but there are some cool takeaways from it (we try to get those in each site we look at). I like the full width image slider background and the filtered images he uses. Sometimes style is a matter of...
Mukesh Suthar

Mukesh Suthar

Cool, quick portfolio one pager from Mukesh Suthar out of India. Of course love the Rubik’s Cube preloader – good movement through the rest of the site between the sliders and skill counters. Like the way he has the faceted search on the Work section too...