

Great images permeate throughout this site for Bryanston School in the SouthWest UK – which is really good. I think the most interesting decision they made of the site was maybe for accessibility – there’s a link in the footer to see the “High...
Levy Restaurants

Levy Restaurants

Like the power of the video background on the Levy Restaurants site as you start – then like the hand-drawn fonts and icons. The site looks pretty hip and with it, which seems to be the aim of the restaurants themselves. @UKLevy
Restaurant Bon

Restaurant Bon

Elegant and simple site for Restaurant Bon out of Paris – designed by Uniiti also out of Paris. Two things to point out – on the Food Menu (Carte) page, the use of the sticky positioning of the side bar is smart. Also, like the reservation modal and how it...
Formula 1

Formula 1

As expected from Formula 1, this is a slick, solid and bold website. The first thing to grab you is the quality of the large and spectacular images on the home page. As a designer, if you’re given images such as these to play with you know your design is going to be...
Jova Construction

Jova Construction

Pretty trippy website. It reminds me A LOT of the way we approached flash based web design. Tons of animation and interaction. The Jova Construction website is solidly useable in the end which makes it worthy of being reviewed. From the Designer: JOVA Construction’s...