by Aaron Griswold | Apr 4, 2016 | Gallery, Sports/Recreation
I am not going to say something like “a little namaste for your morning”… but I did. We’re big believers in yoga in our family – and most yoga studio sites we’ve seen are… not in line with the rest of their flow. Bulldog Yoga,...
by Gene Crawford | Mar 7, 2016 | Gallery
Pretty cool visual vibe with this design. I like the oversized spaces and blocks of color and even the angled screen shots – they all give it a dynamic feel even though the overall execution is fairly simple and straight forward. Bold colors and typography also...
by Aaron Griswold | Feb 24, 2016 | Gallery, Music, Product
Very cool site for Bose’s new stuff (me want). Very different way of navigating through the products – the home images are the nav – then I like the vertical nav for the specific product. The URL is special.bose.en – I kind of feel like we all...
by Aaron Griswold | Feb 2, 2016 | Entertainment, Gallery, Music
I am not a good beatboxer… but I can now practice my skills (or lack of) on BeatBoxAcademy. A quick, fun, interactive site up top – and really love the parallax image work as you go down the page – nothing too flashy, just right. (BF PF, BFPF…...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 1, 2016 | Gallery, Marketing Company
There is some rather interesting interaction/animation on this site. I like the way the elements load up the first time you visit. It can be a bit slow to react to you as you make your way through it, which I could see may lead to some confusion on the user’s...