Beattie Bailey

Beattie Bailey

I think we would have replaced our wedding planner with Beattie Bailey (out of London), just based on their website. Love the framing of the site, the movement (from top to bottom, and in the logo), and the nav (how it starts in the footer, and moves up on scroll to...
Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel

Whenever we hit the road to put on a conference (like ConvergeSE / BDConf / FrontEndDesign Conf / or Grok – shameless plugs…) you can guarantee that around 6am on the first leg of the trip, we’ll stop at a Cracker Barrel. After being in many, many...


A lot of what’s on here layout wise is standard fair but it looks really nicely put together. I believe this is a theme as well, but either way take in the design for what it’s worth. Solid layout overall.
Dan Strogiy

Dan Strogiy

Rather minimal layout overall but there’s enough here to be visually striking. Strong work across the board. I like the background image and how it scales based on the screen width you target as well. Smart.
Sunday Grind

Sunday Grind

Simple yet powerful visuals and text make this website stand out to me. I love the headline and I love the typography. The way the work samples are presented are visually bold and lead you down the page scrolling for more.