
I love the vibe from this website, you really get to know the studio from just looking over the site. I really like that quality to this particular website. It’s not often you can really get a feel for the company like this from the website – granted I...


Clever concept with the “pie” oneers naming. Really great illustrations and page layout throughout the site. From the top of the page to the footer these pages are packed with detail. Love it.


I saw the new veerle.duoh.com design was up because of @jasongraphix’s tweet: Sad to see @vpieters’ landmark 2.0 design go, but her new design is equally impressive. http://veerle.duoh.com/ Veerle Pieters’ new version of her blog is now live....


Great colors and great texture. When you mix those with really cool detail work, the flourishes and other interactive elements are great, you get a very nice website design. I could do without the over state animation for the main horizontal nav, i’m not a big...


I just love this site. It’s only a single page website (and I want more BTW) but the illustrations and detail are impeccable. Nice use of typekit to get a really beautiful typeface on the site that can really match up well with the illustrations. Love it!