
This site blows my mind. We’ve looked at Alex’s site’s in the past, most of my criticisms are going to remain the same however. Mostly this site is what to me a traditional designer’s flash site becomes, but only done in javascript and...

Obox Design

Submitted by David Perel, @obox. Designer. Our main focus for the new site was to make it lighter than the older version and easier to navigate and shop. I suppose I could go on forever but I will just link you to an overview (if/when you have time to scan it) I...

Submitted by Paul Bennett – User Interface Developer, Designer & Developer. This is my newly redesigned website. I have tried to use some nice typography with a retro feel. Hopefully you like it enough to include 🙂 Cool site design full of other cool...

This is a cool layout, I like the way the design uses slightly off aligned spaces and the lines are all slightly crooked. The giant background images are a bit too much I think, just in that they take up so much space at the top of the page, but the effect is cool in...