by Gene Crawford | Aug 18, 2016 | Gallery, Portfolio
Pretty nifty approach. The site largely exists as a slideshow. You could pretty much use it as a slide deck when you’re talking with a client. I like that. Clever sectioning of the case study project displays as well. Submitted by: G Filipovic Role: Designer...
by Gene Crawford | Aug 17, 2016 | Gallery, Portfolio
Such a smart site design for Lee Buckle’s portfolio. I dig the way the navigation works, simple links and then as you scroll you get the “more” hamburger thing. Simply smart. I also really like the overall break down of info into the 3 main sections...
by Gene Crawford | Aug 17, 2016 | Gallery
Really fun looking website for Waaffle. It takes it’s name not at all too seriously which is great and delivers fun illustrations that help tell the story of what the thing does. I like the timed scrolling imagery and the overall brand/vibe a great deal on...
by Gene Crawford | Aug 16, 2016 | Gallery, Marketing
Pretty nifty, big commercial, project. I dig the details worked into the design/interactions and the overall way it’s presented visually. Cool looking project. American Express Essentials is the definitive digital compendium of the best and brightest new ideas....
by Gene Crawford | Aug 16, 2016 | Gallery, Portfolio
Pretty rad idea to put the work first! Seriously, i’m surprised every day by how that’s not the first priority on most designer’s websites. Sell your work first, right?