Emotit For President

Emotit For President

Real real solid product website here. I dig the overall concept of the way the app is presented. Also the detail work of the slight parallax in the bigger hero views really makes the site sing. The app itself looks beautiful and so the website pulling in some of that...

Ben Caron

Ben Caron

Pretty strong layout to go around putting a pretty hefty amount of copy on the page as well as lots of elements and even video. Simple and straight-forward enough to make it all work seamlessly well together.

Andy Hook

Andy Hook

Man - another great portfolio site from the UK for Andy Hook. Cool illustrations and great tone to the site. Nice. Submitted by: Andy Hook Twitter: @andy_hook Role: Designer & Developer Country: England

Austin Weight

Austin Weight

I kind of love this portfolio site from Austin Weight out of London. Scroll over the work samples on the Home page - very cool effect that we haven't really seen much of yet. Also really like the work he did on "The Connection - Scales of Reality". And yes - the...

Pixons – Digital Agency

Pixons – Digital Agency

Good, clean site out of the Ukraine for Pixons. I like the block design and work on the Projects page especially - good balance with imagery and descriptive text. From the Designer: This is our company brand new website. We build digital products & services. From...

Evan Kosowski

Evan Kosowski

Solid, simple 3 column based layout. Dark background is good as well. What I love most and what IMHO really sets this website off into orbit is the navigation design/interaction. I freaking LUUURRRVE this thing! A personal portfolio design is never an easy task. 5...



Pretty straightforward design. It isn't perfect but it does have several cool details that are worth reviewing. From the Designer: Intcore is one of the Egyptian leading companies in software development and media production that working hard to meet all technology...

JHM Creative

JHM Creative

Nice portfolio site for James here. I love the green background/shapes and the way the portfolio pics overlap slightly. Very clean layout and I loves it! Also, he's running a marathon, so give the man some support! From the Designer: A responsive portfolio website...



Some pretty slammin' loading animations in the hero area of this site. Then some here and there down the page as you scroll. Simple layout and straight forward copy make it easy to take in everything about LivX. We are a tightly-knit team of passionate people,...

How do you Hug?

How do you Hug?

Pretty neat idea for Hugs. 🙂 I really do like the way the main three columns are setup, centered around the core content of the website. The bears are a nice central theme element too. Lovely. From the Designer: HowDoYouHug transforms expressions of love into...

Radar #139

Radar #139

Each week, we do a round up of curated "stuff from the interwebs" that we call Radar. In this week's 139th Radar: Motion Design is the Future of UI Have you been noticing the words ‘motion design’ popping up around the design world? Companies big and small are...

Sweet Magnolia

Sweet Magnolia

A lot of fun for this website for Sweet Magnolia gelato. The illustration is top-notch and made extra fun with the animation. The execution might leave something on the table but I don't care. GELATO! From the Designer: Sweet Magnolia Gelato Co. makes gourmet gelatos,...

MYF Web Designer

MYF Web Designer

It's sort of your standard affair in terms of "stuff" on the page, but it just feels nice. I like the dark colors and cool shapes that you start off with. Overall nice design. From the Designer: I'm Bren, a reliable, efficient and motivated web programmer and premium...



Pretty unique looking layout. I dig the colors a great deal and the non-traditional way the content loads up on the home page as you scroll down. A little scroll-jacking but I can get over it. Solid mobile views too. Submitted by: Anastasiia Role: Marketing Officer...

Chris McNally

Chris McNally

Really cool pacing on the content blocks as you scroll down the page. Also some really clever interaction points, like the email link/icon that pulses in the corner and the side navigation that appears as you move down the page. Solid stuff there, worth a good long...

Lakewood Design + marketing

Lakewood Design + marketing

Strong graphically. I dig the overall vibe of this website, I extra like the way the two main sections are presented in the "middle" of the home page. I am not a fan of waiting through the loading % bar thing, but I suppose that can't be helped to a far extent....



Wealthsimple doesn't look like any other financial website i've seen before. Ditching the status quo corporate colors for a softer more non-traditional vibe they really get it right. Playing up the personalization feel to the tee. I love the typography on this site...

Sheridan Life

Sheridan Life

The Sheridan Life life page of the Sheridan website is a super sweet page design buried inside the overall corporate website. It's beautiful, great typography and great rhythm, I loved discovering this. My favorite interaction points are the header and the page...

Arts Access Victoria

Arts Access Victoria

Generally intriguing and thought provoking layout to me. I love the asymmetry inherit in this layout. Balancing out a design with an offset approach like this is difficult but when done well is just beautiful. I think I actually love the simple blue + underlined links...

Fit Radio

Fit Radio

Good mixture of sleek design details, trendy(ish) design elements and good old fashioned solid design work. I love it. Reminds me a lot of rdio's design aesthetic too. Good work, pretty cool product too. Give it a listen and see. The Fit Radio app brings an addictive...



Love this site from Theory 11. There is so much going on, but it still stays organized (good for shopping) - and has some fun pages too (like the About page). Done by @Forefathers - who has a great site themselves - and looks like it's a custom Shopify theme. More...

REEB Ranch

REEB Ranch

From our friends in Asheville, NC - Open Door Design Studio - is the site for REEB Ranch. It's clean and vibrant, and really emphasizes the event nature of the facility. More from the Designers below: From the Designer: Born from the love of beers, bikes and beautiful...

Bulldog Yoga

Bulldog Yoga

I am not going to say something like "a little namaste for your morning"... but I did. We're big believers in yoga in our family - and most yoga studio sites we've seen are... not in line with the rest of their flow. Bulldog Yoga, out of Pennsylvania, has a great site...

Radar #138

Radar #138

Each week, we do a round up of curated "stuff from the interwebs" that we call Radar. In this week's 138th Radar: How to Avoid Roadblocks Inherent in Mobile App Projects You have to know why you’re making an app and what goals you’re trying to accomplish before you...



It's a simple formula, the design for the Collserola site. Nice fade in interactions and a solid simple grid make this design rock solid IMHO. I'm not wild about the splash area but since the overall production is simple and straight forward it works out. From the...



Amazingly simple website layout with some pretty solid simple design work. I love the photos and the interactions on the letters, it draws you in and makes the simplicity work. From the Designer: ​We don't just create beautiful designs but also functional and usable...



Super strong grid based design. The layout and details feel very scandanavian to me. I love it so much. It's not responsive, which is a shame but I still love it. From the Designer: Graphic design agency Designkwartier aka Marcel van Wijk one-man-designstudio based in...

Blackbox Design

Blackbox Design

Really cool full width layout with a strong grid based. It's made up of largely squares and the grid, it really is a strong layout, it feels kind of "traditional" to me but the type and colors make it look really futuristic. Real solid design here. From the Designer:...

Make Your Money Matter

Make Your Money Matter

Excellent story-driven intro to the Make Your Money Matter site - a "brochure" site for using credit unions over banks. The flat illustrations are great as you scroll through the intro - and the final resting part of the site is very smartly done from a marketing /...

Milk Magazine

Milk Magazine

Slick yet simple approach to the layout for Milk Magazine. I love how the main/top section has some overlapping elements like that, then the nav slides up and locks into place as you scroll down. It all fits together and "feels" very purposeful.