Really good use of the video background to tell the story of what types of customers are looking for, since it looks like the have about four target audiences. That seems to be a better use of the video background than just, here are our offices or product...
Unicef Tap Project

Unicef Tap Project

A good use of white (blue) space, in order to highlight what matters (on the site, and in life). I like the liquid background, that continues to enforce the theme of providing clean water for children. The “See how people are taking action to help children...

Darn nice web design here for from Viget. I especially like the interactions on the who we are section of the home page. Very nice work. There’s a pretty good case study setup on the Viget website about this one as well. Good stuff to read...
District 5 Foundation

District 5 Foundation

I love simple design, it’s not as easy to pull off as you first think it is. This is why i’m always impressed when I find someone who has. This site for District 5 Foundation is one of those. Well thought out, well designed, deceptively simple websites. By...
Redeemer Presbyterian

Redeemer Presbyterian

A nice easy going design for the Redeemer Presbyterian here. I’d love for it to be responsive but you can’t always get what you want, eh? I do really dig the header area’s design a great deal.