Nice simple responsive design. I like the utility of this website design but it’s nice looking at the same time. I really love the footer layout, those gears are a nice choice visually. Nice site.

This is such a beautifully executed website design. I love the responsive design aspect the most here, you really should go through this a few pages deep changing out your browser width as you go. Simply fantastic. The transforms/animations that are applied (pretty...

I’m just focusing on Sewanee’s homepage here but it is doing something a lot of other schools wish they could do, keeping it simple. It’s true it’s probably able to do this because it’s a lot smaller but it still seems to focus on the...

Nice university website design. Solid grid and IA here. I like the interactions too, the expandable navigation menu under the main menu is a clever space saver and also empowers you as a visitor at the same time. is a site with a huge amount of content. The colors are very traditional, likely matching the official one’s of Georgetown University. The red is very strategically used for the search and footer ‘scroll-up’. I like that it’s...

Submitted by: Jason VanLue (@jasonvanlue) An all new way to learn Ruby on Rails in the browser. It’s fun, easy to use, and who doesn’t love a site with a bunch of zombies on it? Zombies are just cool. When you can mix web development and zombies, then...