

This is dreamy bakery is a fictional brand represented in one of five demo stores created to showcase Takeout theme. Each store represents a different style available as a theme preset. Takeout theme is available on the official Shopify theme store where all the presets can be previewed:



I love the simple/minimal approach to this design. The flat design and typeface pairings really work to give it a very professional and respectable vibe.



17Seven is a design studio website. They provide web design, branding & product design services to tech & lifestyle brands.

Orken World

Orken World

Superb experience with this design. It pulls you in and makes it enjoyable to scroll the page. Regardless of knowing the actual story or caring about it it's still fun to experience. Well done.

Lamassu Homes

Lamassu Homes

Lamassu Homes website design is sophisticated, modern, user-friendly and clean.

Harry Atkins

Harry Atkins

Clean and almost brutalist yet minimalist portfolio design. I dig it.



All-in-one easy-to-use online Audio tools



Nifty looking e-commerce website design. Lots of stuff here neatly organized. RED!

Afterparty Studios

Afterparty Studios

Very simple layout but I love how the logo blurs out and stays behind the videos and images.

Betc Full Six

Betc Full Six

Love the animations and nav interactions. Very fun website.