Emma Lawler

Emma Lawler

Solid and simple portfolio from Emma Lawler out of San Francisco. I like the movement when you click a work sample – also like that there are only three work examples (as not to clutter the page), but that each example has a nice quick narrative, so you get a...
Portfolio – Timothee Guignard – UX/UI

Portfolio – Timothee Guignard – UX/UI

Love this portfolio site from Timothee Guignard out of NYC. Simple and understated on top – awesome detail in the Portfolio Detail pages. From the Designer: Portfolio of Timothee Guignard, UX, UI, Webdesigner Submitted by: Timothee Guignard Twitter: @timguignard...
Samuel Medvedowsky

Samuel Medvedowsky

I really like how designers are putting some time into their portfolios, and especially the case study parts – like how Samuel Medvedowsky’s Work Portfolio pages use both full and “fixed” width to tell his stories. More so than that, it’s...
Spark and Craft Studio

Spark and Craft Studio

Cool and tight site from Andre Ventura, aka Spark and Craft Studio out of Georgia. Really like the block design, and the Work detail pages are really crisp – and like how the logo doesn’t interfere with the images (like we’ve seen a lot lately on...
Justin Bartlett

Justin Bartlett

Pretty cool, the first site i’ve seen using the “.guru” domain. Also I like how he asks for your first name before you go deeper into the site, then rolls you right into case studies. Pretty clean and smooth experience overall too. From the Designer:...