by Gene Crawford | Jul 25, 2014 | Gallery
Just a really clean and nicely subdued site design for a designer. I like it much. Submitted by: Christopher Ware @christopherware Role: Designer & Developer
by Aaron Griswold | Jul 23, 2014 | Gallery
Good portfolio site from Ben Baker. Two things to really note – like how the icons fly in when you hover over the navigation. And the project detail pages have some off-screen navigation in the left top corner to quickly change out which project you’re...
by Gene Crawford | Jul 16, 2014 | Gallery
Nifty little design details and movement on this site. I like the super bold coloring and the photography elements.
by Aaron Griswold | Jul 15, 2014 | Gallery, Portfolio
If you are going to make a portfolio site for yourself, please make it different from all the other designer portfolio sites out there – and Andy Shield did. Besides not being magenta, he’s made good work of still using trends, but in more subtle ways...
by Aaron Griswold | Jul 8, 2014 | Gallery, Portfolio
My kids are listening to Roald Dahl’s Matilda right now, so Mark’s website caught my eye (since one of his portfolio pieces is for the musical of Matilda). Mark’s site is clever and well constructed with a cool sea theme, animated SVGs and hints of...