by Gene Crawford | Jul 1, 2014 | Gallery
Minimal or simple is hard to pull off and it’s not often I come across a site design that truly does it well. I dig this site for Cole Townsend, as portfolio sites go this one is a good one to me.
by Aaron Griswold | Jun 27, 2014 | Gallery
Every once in a while, you see a portfolio site and think, “damn… I wish I had that person’s job…” – this week, Daryl Davies is that person for me. Between the work for Disney and VGAMR, you (and my kids for that matter) could...
by Aaron Griswold | Jun 26, 2014 | Gallery
Kudos Matthew! With so many flat icons out in the interwebs, you found a way to make an entire site, with narrative, with flat icons – and make it pretty damn cool. Every once in a while, it is a good thing to trash something, and then do something fun with it....
by Gene Crawford | Jun 20, 2014 | Gallery
Pretty clean and simple layout. Lots of popular design patterns here but they’re all done well and executed precisely.
by Gene Crawford | May 20, 2014 | Gallery
Pretty cool interaction from the home page. I really like the original thought. Otherwise the design is super simple – half of it links elsewhere, which is also smart if you’re truly active in those communities. Really smart design here.