by Aaron Griswold | Feb 9, 2015 | Food and Beverage, Gallery
Pass the kale and beetroot, time for something good! Whether you like great tasting fruit and veggieGreat one-page site for Savse (sav-say) Smoothies done by NEVERBLAND out of London. Like using the animated SVG to transition from above the fold to below. The link to...
by Aaron Griswold | Feb 9, 2015 | Gallery, Portfolio
No – not that Harper Lee (who is releasing the sequel of To Kill a Mockingbird this year) – but Martin Harper-Lee is doing some pretty decent work too. Like how the home page has no scrolling, and instead of a traditional slideshow, he has used canvas to...
by Aaron Griswold | Feb 6, 2015 | Gallery
I have a new weather app because of the Black Pixel agency out of Seattle, Washington (The Funny or Die Weather app from Will Ferrell’s company). Black Pixel did the redesign. They also redesigned their website, which is pretty awesome, design-wise, and every...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 4, 2015 | Gallery
Interesting website here for Harvest Capital. I many ways I like the approach but have issues with it on other levels. I put it here in the gallery to hopefully get some feedback on it from you all. So, what do you guys think? Harvest Capital wanted to convey their...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 3, 2015 | Gallery
I like the monochromatic approach to the color and the simple line art icons give it a good vibe. I also like the way the header is treated visually as you scroll down a bit.