Black Pixel

I have a new weather app because of the Black Pixel agency out of Seattle, Washington (The Funny or Die Weather app from Will Ferrell’s company). Black Pixel did the redesign.

They also redesigned their website, which is pretty awesome, design-wise, and every other way. Really like the tone and coloring, and how the video backgrounds match up perfectly with the rest of the box design. The Work page is perfect, with full-width image banners that lead into some cool Work Detail pages. Also like the treatments on mobile – very aware of page speed, so video backgrounds are stopped (we see a lot of great video background sites, but they don’t keep mobile and speed in mind like Black Pixel did). Great Job!

From Black Pixel’s CEO Daniel Pasco (@dlpasco) on their blog:
“This new website, and our new branding, do not represent changes to Black Pixel, but are emblematic of our desire to grow and improve. This is a step forward, but not our destination. And, while we’re incredibly excited to have a new home on the internet, we know that its supporting structure is the same: the people who work here now and the people who’ve worked here in the past make this company what it is. That has always been, and will always be, the case.”


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