Fun Beer Tours MKE

Fun Beer Tours MKE

Solid graphic design for the Fun Beer Tours MKE website. I love the bold graphic look and strong colors. I really dig the call to action too, placed easily noticeable in the center of the page there and very clear and easy to understand. From the Designer: Fun Beer...

Very, very fun website. From the skull to the interactions and page transitions this site is gold. Spend some time on it and you’ll see what I mean. Some great work in the portfolio too.
Remote Operations Center

Remote Operations Center

Pretty cool layout for the Remote Operations Center website here. I love work like this, because it looks like straight up client work and there are always limitations and such with client work. I love seeing what a designer can do with something like this. Win! One...
Hair Salon Muku

Hair Salon Muku

Love the graphic design, the logo and imagery. Really nice look and feel. Then the approach to the layout is solid as well, the nav isn’t really necessary and that’s smart from a user and mobile perspective. Then when you get to the hamburger there some...
How do you Hug?

How do you Hug?

Pretty neat idea for Hugs. 🙂 I really do like the way the main three columns are setup, centered around the core content of the website. The bears are a nice central theme element too. Lovely. From the Designer: HowDoYouHug transforms expressions of love into...