by Gene Crawford | May 7, 2015 | Food and Beverage, Gallery
Man! I love the illustrations on this website. I can stare at them all day! They are well done and the animations that load them up as you scroll down the page for the first time are very well timed. The colors and style all work so well with the content too. Lovely,...
by Aaron Griswold | May 1, 2015 | Gallery
Best use of video background work (and other things too) we’ve seen so far – coming from Purple Rock Scissors out of Orlando. Every page has a hand-crafted look – whether it’s the fast loading video backgrounds, the animated SVG work, or that...
by Aaron Griswold | Apr 27, 2015 | Gallery
Like the flat illustrations from Search For Energy site, done by Create the Bridge out of Texas. Also like the work with the Energy Usage Calculator on the Knowledge Center page. There are some navigation issues (mainly on the Login page – so assuming it’s...
by Aaron Griswold | Apr 23, 2015 | Gallery
This Flick Electric site out of New Zealand, done by Traverse Digital in Wellington, is an example of breaking through barriers in an industry that is classically resistant to change (at least in the design sense). Flick looks to be a power / electric company that...
by Aaron Griswold | Apr 10, 2015 | Education, Gallery, Government, In-Depth Review
We came across this site, Sweden and Migration last week – and since we’re kind of fans of Sweden (seen partially by what hangs in our office – Thor’s Hammer Mjölnir below), we thought “perfect”! The site is a huge interactive...