

The Digest is a beautifully editorial site that displays a tight print design sensibility. It’s a site that takes the idea of a magazine and translates the best of that medium to the web. The pages are fairly heavy at 4-5 MB, but the lush photography is largely...
Drew Wilson

Drew Wilson

Drew Wilson’s portfolio site is a delightful experience. From the first few examples of products down to just digging through his project timeline it’s smart and easy to take in. Well done sir.


There are some really great interactions here. You are rewarded for clicking through the main “what igor is” graphic prompts with great looking illustrations. Very engaging. The second sub-block of what the product is about are also well done. I love how...


What a great experience the Trippeo website is. It is succinctly designed but rich visually. The timed animations that fire off as you scroll down the page are great and there is no real “scroll hijacking” to speak of. The signup page is super well...