Pop Montreal

Pop Montreal

Pretty cool interactions on Pop Montreal. I like how the nav and the rest of the site sort of play off each other on the scroll like that. Then the big content areas and how they are broken up and made to look interactive by just layout is so cool.
Cameron McNab

Cameron McNab

Not much to the site technically but this personal site for Cameron McNab is actually pretty cool. Minimal in it’s design approach but cool in it’s color shift affect. Pretty nifty idea. From the Designer: A simple take on my personal portfolio. Fully...
Cafe Frida

Cafe Frida

The first thing that hits you is the interaction with the hero area. Flowing the leaves back out of the way draws you in quickly and beautifully. Then as you scroll down you see the clever image use and the way the drop out’s are used is quite nice. Really...
Michael But

Michael But

Beautiful portfolio site that does just what it needs to do and not much more. Visually it’s very classy and professional looking. I also dig that he mainly sends you to Dribbble and Behance to see more work and connect professionally. From the Designer: A...
David Arias

David Arias

I love this simple portfolio site for David Arias. It’s simple yet impactful design like this that gets me going. I love the interaction that’s in place on each work sample and the way the work just slides up into the header area as you scroll just gives...