

Fairly nice product website. Solid colors and delivers that "kids" vibe without pandering to all the cliches that come with it. Good work. @drawpit

Magnet Co

Magnet Co

Really strong mix of some very well proven design patterns and some nice visual design mixed together. Smart decisions here, I enjoyed this page as I scrolled and read through all their info.

TERN magazine

TERN magazine

I dig the layout of this site. The strong grid and the interplay with some of the blocks and the background sections is nice and there's some nice little animation layered into the interactions. That big drop down/hamburger menu is actually kinda nice. I'm not in love...

Self Driving Car

Self Driving Car

Real simple design that uses top-notch imagery and some illustrations to sell the concept. It's immediate and has impact, what more could you want from your website?

dConstruct 2015

dConstruct 2015

There is a lot to love about the 2015 dConstruct site. Clearleft always does something cool with this site every year, I always enjoy it when they launch it. I really like how it doesn't take itself too seriously with the layout (mobile vs. desktop). It's a conference...



I love this simple and colorful site for Stephane Lyver. It seems to have minimal design, but the colorful sections draw my attention. I love his black and white ending portrait shot, and I really dig the simple effects of the angled :before and :after css elements....

Radar #98

Radar #98

In this week's Radar: Chevy put out a press release entirely in emoji — and now we know what it means The Five Uncommon Habits Of Highly Productive People Autopsy The New: Google Design Automating Performance Testing with Gulp Dribble + Invision Typography Cheatsheet...

Built By Human

Built By Human

Pretty solid layout. I dig the loading imagery as I scroll too. Damn that logo is great as well. From the Designer: Uses the latest technology of CSS3 and HTML5 Submitted by: Mark Mole Role: Designer & Developer @builtbyhuman

TwitchCon 2015

TwitchCon 2015

Earlier this year, we reviewed Twitch's Year in Review of 2014, and really liked it. TwitchCon 2015, is their video game video broadcaster / fan-fest conference. Dig the home page - simple, but a little complex behind the scenes. If you "view source" it's fun to read...

ESPN Sports Programming

ESPN Sports Programming

Good looking site for ESPN Sports Programming - we reviewed their main site for ESPN.com a couple of months ago - and looks like they've taken a lot of the those design elements, and improved on them. Probably an easier goal since this is a more discrete type of site...

Northern Black Forest

Northern Black Forest

Good site from the @TourismusNordSW - Northern Black Forest tourism site, outside of Stuttgart, Germany. It may be a little heavy in some places (or it could be my connection right now), but the concept is solid - especially in the the detail pages of the different...



Good grid design throughout on this agency/product design site for Appart_ from, well everywhere apparently (distributed company - very distributed it looks like). See below from the designer, but I like the idea of using the grid / box design to be part of the...

Draw With Pixels

Draw With Pixels

Good portfolio site from Gabriel Mnt out of Romania. I haven't seen a site like this in a few months, the kind that uses the 4 blocks on the home page as main nav. It's still a cool concept if you can categorize everything well - and I think Gabriel has. Love the...

Mostly Serious

Mostly Serious

Many agency sites use large photos to bring out the human nature of their company and give us a glimpse to their habits and personalities. Others showcase their skills heavily and give no hint of who or how their work is done and practiced and whether there are humans...



I love the straightforward minimal approach of this site, coupled with it's easy to use interface for filtering by product type and color it brings me closer to the product than most other product pages I visit. The grids of colorful rows are just magical in drawing...

Macaw Scarlet

Macaw Scarlet

I met with a VC during ConvergeSE that was meeting with Macaw, and was asking what we as designers thought of something like Macaw's Scarlet - something to disrupt Dreamweaver... I, uh, as someone who builds "by hand" - honestly, I said "I don't get it". Then I saw...



Boom. Sometimes that is just what you should say with a site review. Boom.

The Boat

The Boat

SBS out of Australia has produced a website called 'The Boat' - which is an interactive graphic novel about escape after the Vietnam War - based on the story by Nam Le. Incredible use of scroll jacking and on-scroll actions in a parallax web universe. It's complete...



Great images permeate throughout this site for Bryanston School in the SouthWest UK - which is really good. I think the most interesting decision they made of the site was maybe for accessibility - there's a link in the footer to see the "High Visibility Version" of...

Radar #97

Radar #97

In this week's Radar: UX: a Process or a Task? Designing for Disappearing Interfaces Can You Fix a Bad Design? Here’s Where to Start How to Go from Freelancer to Professional Designer The Psychology Behind a Great CTA Why Mobile First May Already Be Outdated Design...

Levy Restaurants

Levy Restaurants

Like the power of the video background on the Levy Restaurants site as you start - then like the hand-drawn fonts and icons. The site looks pretty hip and with it, which seems to be the aim of the restaurants themselves. @UKLevy



Pretty cool experience for a search based website. I like how the search is focused on top of the main hero image space. Keeps it front and center. There's very little small screen width experience here but overall for desktop it's tops. Cool form elements to play...



I just love it when a nice brand has a minimal approach to it's website. Casper is a great example of what a minimal approach can do for you. The messaging is crystal clear and simple and there are still some really great interaction sections on the site to boot....



Fairly straightforward design here. Clearly an informative experience, much like a book. The mobile view isn't that spectacular but it doesn't really have to be. I like the interaction on the search in the top right a lot.

The Chemical Brothers

The Chemical Brothers

The Chemical Brothers are back after a little hiatus - and since music is a personal thing, I'll just comment that I like their new stuff - love the new site too. It's wild, and fit's the band's image / music. Exceptional parallax work done on the History Page - don't...



Good clean design on Sulu, a CMS built on Symfony. We almost listed it in Radar as a resource instead of the Gallery , but we liked the white space and the little animations that happen on-scroll.   @sulu_io : Handcrafted in the Alps Privately funded by...

Master Channel

Master Channel

When we were in Nashville last week for BDConf, I walked into a concert for one of Master Channel's clients, (no, not R5 with Ross Lynch from Disney's Austin and Ally... which my kids watch..) but country star, Kip Moore. And yes, I used the website they built to find...

Quiet Revolution

Quiet Revolution

As extroverted as I can be sometimes through my writing, among friends and family, and when I'm acting - I actually have an introverted nature in many social situations. That's part of the gist of the Quite Revolution (from a philosophy standpoint), based off of TED...

Brand Uber

Brand Uber

Always interesting to see brand / design / style guidelines from companies and products you use on a daily basis, like this one from Uber. Very clean and minimal, but with a few little interaction pieces - you can see they've taken time to make this section of their...

Restaurant Bon

Restaurant Bon

Elegant and simple site for Restaurant Bon out of Paris - designed by Uniiti also out of Paris. Two things to point out - on the Food Menu (Carte) page, the use of the sticky positioning of the side bar is smart. Also, like the reservation modal and how it fits in...