Nice Vice

Nice Vice

I love the simplicity and straight forwardness of the Nice Vice website design. It's simple and to the point which is nice. I also dig the nav/logo transformation that happens as you scroll down the page, that's a nice touch for the site design.

London Housing

London Housing

The London Housing site is very simple in concept - I just like the typewriter movement of it, along with using real shapes to make the font / lettering. Here's a little more about the site: "This project is a compilation of recent media articles about the housing...

Frontend In Wonderland

Frontend In Wonderland

Love the artwork in this year's From The Front conference out of Italy: Frontend in Wonderland. We're always happy to see other conference series pushing hard with design boundaries.



Black and White and Re(a)d All Over.... Ok, I looked in the CSS, and there is no #ff0000, but I liked the joke. Love the simplicity of - both in the design, and the stories - great for someone like me with ADD.

3 Horizon Interactive

3 Horizon Interactive

Some pretty crazy interactions going on here. I dig it though. The colors and type that are paired together give it a rather open yet heavy feeling. I'm a fan of the navigation design too, see, what's the harm in just showing the nav at all times?

Nice single page scrolling design for It's a smooth experience overall, you can just scroll or navigate by the header section too. The illustrations hit at the right times and look great.

Homer Hudson

Homer Hudson

Never too early in the morning to think about ice cream... mmmm... ice cream... Homer Hudson's site out of Oz is bright and different. Looks like one page with a few modals - compact, with all emphasis on the product. It's a little bit of UX risk with the scroll left...

Radar #109

Radar #109

In this week's 109th Radar: Apple Event Roundup Responsive Upscaling: Large-Screen E-Commerce Design Making the switch from graphic to UX/UI design Using Graph Theory to Build a Simple Recommendation Engine in JavaScript CSS vs SVG: Styling Checkboxes and Radio...

Void By Hi-Res

Void By Hi-Res

I didn't even attempt to see what was under the hood on this site - didn't care - was having too much fun with it. Void was done by Hi-Res out of London. Not sure why they did it - but who cares - pretty darn awesome - happy Friday!



Pretty solid graphics on the home page, I dig that left or right choice. I also like how he's used the hamburger menu thing in the logo look as well. It helps tie it together for people. Nice use of slight animations in the case study imagery as well. From the...

Adam Crigger

Adam Crigger

Well, damn. Adam Criggger - well done. He's made his portfolio / resume site look unique, subtle and clean. And the fact that he has a seemingly out of place Biggie Smalls quote and video hanging out on the site, with the star field background floating through......

EPL – Most Valuable Kits

EPL – Most Valuable Kits

Love this way ESPN has made this interactive infographic for the English Premier League's "most valuable kits" this year. Great work on the kit illustrations and the overlay work to see home and away kits. Like the marketing aspect of it too - links to Dick's Sports...



Well - we're back to a "me want" product. I live on my iPhone and FitBit - something tells me Wove may be a pretty cool symbiosis of the two. The site is minimal, but has a lot going on. Starts with a cool intro - that goes into a "static" page with minor animations...

Grab House

Grab House

Pretty utilitarian design for Grab House, but somehow they've made it look appealing visually. I dig the search box area and then as you scroll down there are timed info blocks that load pretty smoothly.



Newly updated (not sure how long) design for Fantasy Interactive. It's amazing to me to see this design, i've followed Fantasy for the entire time they've been around. You can almost track the times in design from their websites over the years. this iteration is a...



Mostly posting this for the navigation pattern. I like how when you simply mouse over the hamburger icon it loads a small set of icons for the nav. Yes, we can probably pick that apart, but i've never seen that before. I like it as a design pattern as a way to combat...

UAC Studios

UAC Studios

Beautifully simple design for UAC Studios. I really like the large imagery used for the project sections. I also like how it's pretty much all about the work, that's just about all I ever care about when I check out another company's website that do what I do. 🙂

Lauren Wickware

Lauren Wickware

I love, love, love the way the scrolling works on this website. It's smooth and very unique to experience. Very memorable experience here.

Radar #108

Radar #108

In this week's 108th Radar: Google's look, evolved UX Design for Passwords and Registration Forms Product List Usability: Avoid 'Quick View' Overlays Identity Sketches for U.S. Soccer Designing Photostories 12 Little-known CSS Facts - The Sequel Do as I say, not as I...

Book & Sons

Book & Sons

Pretty tidy layout for Book & Sons. I dig the large imagery and the simple nature of the grid at work here. I'm not too happy with the big background images and the white text overlaid on them, sometimes the copy is impossible to read. Fixing that up would leave this...



Really cool way to start up a page of content. That large image that loads down to a smaller version and then the grid layout around it is pretty hot. Really digging this site right now.



Ahhh, that Swedish design. I love it so much. The crisp photography and the thin lines on the typography layered on top of a sharp grid. Wonderful stuff.

Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead

Beautifully illustrated website for the Day of the Dead festival. I love the bold colors and stuff. My favorite is the "skull menu" that you get on mobile screen widths. Skulls beat Hamburgers every time.

Mambo Mambo

Mambo Mambo

Simple approach to this website, but I love it. I love the big header image, it's fun and feels fresh. Then the rest of the content is really straight forward but probably all you need for a site like this.

Homerun HR

Homerun HR

Love this simple site with some cool bulldog (kind of) flat illustrations. Besides liking the site - I really like the way the actual app looks and works - there is a Bootstrap element to it - but it's clean and makes sense - even has some Trello elements to the...

Pretty nifty visual narrative on the home page of the website here. I like how the photos follow you down the page through the various processes you'll go through in editing a website with this product. The overall design is slick too. Much like.

Bureau Daniel Groner

Bureau Daniel Groner

The vibe of this site design is very unique feeling to me. I like that it's 90% copy as you first load the thing then the layout of the elements are unique. I like the mouse over effect on the main images as you move around on the page too.

Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie

Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie

Superbly crafted interactions and typography for the web here. I really enjoyed scrolling through this section and reading through it. They enabled timed load-ins and animations but didn't hamper my ability to scroll and read.

Drimba Filho

Drimba Filho

I love, love, love that header/hero area background. I dig the way the rest of the page loads for you too. It's just a simple portfolio/resume website and it's just that, simple. But still powerful feeling.



I really like the open feel to this design. The typography and the way it interacts with the white space is also pretty nice in that it feels vibrant and not just minimal. Love the colors and implied simplicity behind the visual layout too.