Really interesting layout. I’m not totally sold on if it works or not. Give the screen cast review a watch and hear more of what Julia and I thought. I definitely find myself exploring it and digging deeper, so I think the design has done it’s job. It also...

This is a great website. It’s deceptively simple. There are lots of little interactions that appear hidden at first look on this site that are actually quite deep and fun to use. The main grid of images of the musicians is straight forward enough, but the next...

Jarred Bishop

This site baked my noodle. At first I just started scrolling down then I realized something weird was going on. The background was doing something weird but I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It took a minute to really grasp what was going on but it’s...

New site from Veerle Pieters. Really interesting to see what she would do with a single page website project, it turned out really well in my opinion. I love the simplicity, and the basic shapes and colors, it comes off really smart looking while retaining a level of...