by Gene Crawford | May 6, 2010 | Gallery, Marketing Company
I like this website design for it’s uniqueness. I haven’t seen a site doing things quite the way this one is, with pretty much all type, the really bold colors and large sizing of elements.
by Gene Crawford | Mar 30, 2010 | Design Firm, Gallery, Marketing Company, Screencast Review
Submitted by Sunny Thaper, @sunnythaper. Designer & Developer. I like the website a lot. It’s unique but the first thing I noticed that makes is unique is actually the copy & overall vibe of the site. I really love the inviting tone to...
by Gene Crawford | Mar 17, 2010 | Design Firm, Gallery, Marketing Company
Really well done website. I love the style of this company, humor and a cool sense of what’s trendy. They’ve taken a lot of the expected typical web design firm website elements and turned them on their head just enough to feel different. I think...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 25, 2010 | Gallery, Marketing Company
I really love the giant over sized background/pattern that matches the logo. It’s really unique and reminds me of a bulls-eye which is smart given their services center around marketing. About that, it took several readings to figure out what exactly this site...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 18, 2010 | Design Firm, Gallery, Marketing Company
This a really great design. It’s minimal and tight yet dirty and open at the same time. The design is nice but recedes so you can take in the reel and other portfolio samples quickly. There’s a lot of little detail here and it can be overlooked but...
by ben | Dec 15, 2009 | Design Firm, Gallery, Marketing Company, Portfolio
I’m always impressed and humbled by designers that can do so much with so little. This design utilizes a simple color scheme, very small font size, and no textures (which seem to be a very popular design trend these days), and it looks amazing! Great example of...