by Gene Crawford | Feb 21, 2011 | Blog, Gallery, Government
Really cool blog layout. I like the single story focus with the top post then going to the two column story layout for other past posts. There are also some other nice smaller details like the banner pieces around the section titles. It’s also cool to see a tab...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 2, 2011 | Gallery, Government, Sports/Recreation
The Let’s Move website is a really nice mix of detail work and generality. I think the design is open in the sense that anyone can relate to it. It’s youthful without employing comic sans, it’s colorful without going too far off the deep end with...
by Gene Crawford | Mar 15, 2010 | Gallery, Government
This is one of the best “federal” type government websites i’ve ever seen. There’s so much going on here content wise it’s crushing and yet this layout let’s you peer right into it with ease. One thing that’s blowing my mind...
by Jay Barry | Aug 28, 2009 | Gallery, Government
Sites for government entities or large bureaucratic organizations like this are hard to do because there is usually an enormous amount of content, mostly text, that somehow needs to be accessible to many audiences within one click. On top of that there are usually...
by julia | Jun 19, 2009 | Community / Social Networking, Gallery, Government Submitted by David Kraljic, @votetocracy. The site I am submitting was recently launched. It allows every citizen to vote on every bill in congress and send their votes to their representatives. As you will see it is an information rich website / heavy...
by Gene Crawford | Mar 30, 2009 | Gallery, Government
São Paulo State Government submitted by Adriano Ribeiro, here’s some further insight into the website design: Jay asked: This is a great site, can you give us some more information on the structure and how you built the site, and maybe what it was like getting a...