Prime Minister Office of India

Prime Minister Office of India

I don’t think when I started writing for Unmatchedstyle, that I thought I would be reviewing the Prime Minister of India’s website – but here it is. From what I can tell from his site, PM Narendra Modi seems like a hip and with it leader – a...
Life in Greenville SC

Life in Greenville SC

Super nice site design for “Life in Greenville SC”. I believe this is a community driven/created website which is awesome. So much detailed design work here in this site, just go spend some time with it and I think you’ll agree.
9/11 Tribute Center

9/11 Tribute Center

Great new site for the 9/11 Tribute Center by the Bearded Studios gents. My favorite part is the navigation design. I really like how most of the site’s nav is represented in the drop down and keeps it easily accessible on the desktop. While it’s more...
Code For America

Code For America

A very nicely executed and clean responsive site design. Pretty sure the team behind this website utilized a mobile first approach, I can feel it in my bones when I scaled it down and the mobile widths are easier to use than the desktop size.