This is a huge sprawling website and as I click around through it I never feel lost, that’s not an easy feat for a site of this size. There’s plenty of interaction going on here and it’s not in-your-face flashy, which is how I like it. The subtle...

Chattanooga History Center

Submitted by Josiah Roe @josiahq. It has three different color schemes, a different one on each session, it’s pretty cool. I really like the look of this website. The colors are unique and the typography is quite sharp, mix that in with some nice photography and...


Submitted by Danny Halarewich. I really like the tab navigation design for this site. The product is also a tough concept to sell and they seem to have laid it all out design and content wise in a way that quickly communicates that idea. The sub pages kind of start to...

Stone Laboratory

Submitted by George Oommen @stonelab, the site’s Designer & Developer. The website follows the print identity and tries to tie everything together with various graphics elements. The site focus on the most relevant content to the students. There is also a...

Submitted by @bryckbost I think this is a great simple, single purpose website. The site is really well done, from top to bottom, great colors, typography. The idea is also brilliant.

Submitted to us by the folks at One of the Cornerstone projects of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, the Cosmic Dairy is not just about astrono my, but more what it is like to be an astronomer.The Cosmic Diary is a collection of blogs which...