The Nordic Ruby Conference is back with an updated website this year. I love the design, responsive and also has a bit of interactive animated worked in. Lovely color palette and overall organization. I do think that the home page loses hierarchy on the content as you...

Submitted by Ken Woodworth, @kenwoodworth. Role: Designer & Developer Really cool vertical scrolling effect (vertical parallax?) with the foreground design elements and the background on this site. I’ve seen this type of thing before but i’m always...

This SXSW micro-site for Squarespace is exquisit. The design is sharp and enjoyable, the detail is superb as well. I love that skull icon – I really hope that thing was made into t-shirts, it’d be a shame if it wasn’t. I love how it’s a simple...

Really awesome effect with the single page scrolling design, the way the ‘XRD’ scrolls between the other versions of it to make that kind of vertical parallax effect/animation is pretty sweet. When you click a nav element or scroll the page for the first...

The DrupalCon Chicago website is a wonderful mixture of illustration and solid layout. Almost every detail in the illustrations represent Chicago and Drupal Dev, very clever looing. I really like the line work on everything, the shapes/boxes match up perfectly with...

Hat tip to Cris Coyier of for pointing out this site & conference. Nice textures employed in the background and on the type treatments. I really dig the colors, the black and the light blue are really nice together on this site. The conference...