Are You Sure You Need A Sitemap?

IA is a crucial step in the site design process to create clear site navigation but recently we asked ourselves, what happens if we skip it?

ConvergeSE Speaker Profile – Ron Edelen

Ron is busy carving out best practices for motion design as a driving force for UX. He will be discussing “Badass Motion Design for Interactive” at ConvergeSE this year.

ConvergeSE Speaker Profile – Aaron Irizarry

Real critique has become a lost skill among collaborative teams today. Critique is intended to help teams strengthen their designs, products, and services, rather than be used to assert authority or push agendas under the guise of “feedback.” Aaron Irizarry will be Discussing Design at ConvergeSE this year.

Foundation 6 Has Launched

Prototype To Production, a mantra that you can see reflected in all aspects of ZURB Foundation 6 framework. Available now for download.

Episode 5: Creating the Visual Design

Episode 5: Creating the Visual Design

In the final part of our five-part series on how to plan better websites, Astute Communications owner Anna Stout discussed visual design, “the part that people really look forward to.” Yet because of today’s vast array of screen sizes and shapes, she emphasized the importance of beginning the visual design process by focusing on responsive web design.