Inside Abbey Road

Inside Abbey Road

Man, I love this virtual tour of Abbey Road Studios done in collaboration with Google and their indoor mapping / 3d imaging / video / webgl work. It all combines into an incredibly cool, immersive experience, complete with quadrophonic sound (if you’re using...
We Heart

We Heart

This digital magazine / newspaper from We Heart out of Barcelona and London is pretty sweet. It’s a great example of our “old timey” blogs have evolved into robust and exciting centers of knowledge – and with so much content, I think...


Nice minimal site from Herdl out of the UK. Minimal because they hit you with headlines on the front page, instead of a lot of words (that your potential client never reads anyway… no… really). There’s meat in the Services pages – but the home...
benjamin j. walton

benjamin j. walton

Good looking block design portfolio site from Benjamin Walton out of the UK. Great mix of work images on the home page – and cool typography work too. From the Designer: recent university graduate. freelance design & development. Submitted by: benjamin...
Uidigital Send

Uidigital Send

Overall good design and some strong graphics make up this website. Some pretty cool load in animations as you make your way down the page. I like the way the main nav situates itself as you scroll past the hero area/image too.