by Gene Crawford | Apr 5, 2016 | Gallery
The Sheridan Life life page of the Sheridan website is a super sweet page design buried inside the overall corporate website. It’s beautiful, great typography and great rhythm, I loved discovering this. My favorite interaction points are the header and the page...
by Gene Crawford | Apr 5, 2016 | Education, Gallery
Generally intriguing and thought provoking layout to me. I love the asymmetry inherit in this layout. Balancing out a design with an offset approach like this is difficult but when done well is just beautiful. I think I actually love the simple blue + underlined links...
by Aaron Griswold | Apr 4, 2016 | Gallery, Sports/Recreation
I am not going to say something like “a little namaste for your morning”… but I did. We’re big believers in yoga in our family – and most yoga studio sites we’ve seen are… not in line with the rest of their flow. Bulldog Yoga,...
by Gene Crawford | Mar 29, 2016 | Gallery
Slick yet simple approach to the layout for Milk Magazine. I love how the main/top section has some overlapping elements like that, then the nav slides up and locks into place as you scroll down. It all fits together and “feels” very purposeful.
by Gene Crawford | Mar 29, 2016 | Education, Gallery, Nonprofit
Holy cow, where to start. Really, it’s a huge website with tons of content and the designers have done a superb job of getting you at it. All the while maintaining style and vibe that matches the Met. Spend some time going through this site okay, you’ll...