

Matthias Mentasti is debuting a designer a day over at 365awesomedesigners.com. The site pulls in Dribbble feeds of some of the best designers currently dressing the interwebs. He’s created the perfect textured backdrop for showcasing the crazy detail of the...


A great great project and a really cool looking site design make for something I love. This site isn’t super duper interactive blow your mind away but it’s content and overall presentation make me smile. Crsip lines and type and great color choices here....


I really dig the hierarchy designed into this home page. The large image/slideshow is nice with nice details and you get t focus on that, with simple messages and then as you scroll down the info gets more densely populated and then eventually just some basic about...


I like the two main column layout for this website. The use of the circles and overall blocky feeling of the design makes for a nice contrast, especially with the circular swirly pattern behind the main elements. The responsive design for this site is pretty well...


Soleil Noir’s 2012 wishes is just plain fun to play with. Vertical parallax meets bright happy colors, simple messaging, and some animations to add another slight layer of wow. The nav on the side is neat. Choosing a colored dot is like picking an easter egg not...