by Aaron Griswold | Feb 29, 2016 | Food and Beverage, Gallery
Great, tight one-pager from The Kings Arms pub out of London. Subtle grays and greens to give the site a warm aesthetic, which I’m assuming is the same for the pub itself (will have to find out next time in London).
by Aaron Griswold | Feb 18, 2016 | Gallery, Real Estate
Dang – that’s a cool website for Aire West Perth – an apartment building sales site out of Australia. Great video background work – and then about everything you would need to get you to come and visit in person. I mean hey – it made me...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 10, 2016 | Gallery
Some real nice interactions worked into the Surfy website. I love how the main navbar isn’t visible until you scroll a bit, then sticks. Then you’re presented with a stack of work samples with a slight zoom effect when you mouse over each one. Clever and...
by Gene Crawford | Feb 8, 2016 | Conference, Gallery
Beautiful website for what I understand is a beautiful event. I love the ‘speaker’ pictures that slide in as you scroll down the page. The mobile view simply turns this off. A great mix of cool interaction and an almost minimal approach. Beautiful.
by Gene Crawford | Feb 4, 2016 | Gallery, Marketing
Overall good design and some strong graphics make up this website. Some pretty cool load in animations as you make your way down the page. I like the way the main nav situates itself as you scroll past the hero area/image too.