Mark Guldbrandsen

Mark Guldbrandsen

Nice portfolio website. It functions almost like a power point would, with big screens you move between. In that aspect I like the simplicity of the approach. What do you guys think? Does that work for you here?

Really simple approach but very effective. I dig the simple links and the way all the sections are tied together with simple colors and then interactions. Straight forward works for me!
Google i/o 2016

Google i/o 2016

Google i/0 2016 site is up. I love the main countdown numbers and the way the sub sections kind of box in under it. It’s kind of a coming soon page, so maybe not fair to review it just yet. But it is pretty cool.
Vintage Hope

Vintage Hope

Great typography work on the Vintage Hope site out of the UK. Looks like you rent fine china for different events, and the money goes to a children’s home in Malawi – good social entrepreneurial concept – and a nice looking site.
Hermes Financial Services

Hermes Financial Services

This Latvian site for Hermes Financial Services is extremely minimal… but we like it because of that. Very simple and to the point, but also has a good look to the site – from the Hermes illustration, to the coloring and fonts.