Jonathan Edmund-Jones

Jonathan Edmund-Jones

Pretty nifty and very different looking/feeling site design for Jonathan Edmund-Jones. I like the way the top half is black and white and all text with the second half mostly color and work samples. It’s a nice reveal as you scroll down, creating a pretty nifty...
Phillip Nessen

Phillip Nessen

Suuuuper simple layout for the portfolio website of Phillip Nessen. But man, it has some real badass typography and illustration work going on. Love this stuff.

Really simple approach but very effective. I dig the simple links and the way all the sections are tied together with simple colors and then interactions. Straight forward works for me!
benjamin j. walton

benjamin j. walton

Good looking block design portfolio site from Benjamin Walton out of the UK. Great mix of work images on the home page – and cool typography work too. From the Designer: recent university graduate. freelance design & development. Submitted by: benjamin...
Patrik Huebner

Patrik Huebner

It’s not often that I see a submission and think “badass”, this is one of those exceptions. I really dig this portfolio site for Patrik Huebner. The grid, the minimal approach layered over with kick ass graphics and then the little details instilled...