Web Canvas Design

Web Canvas Design

I just replied to a comment about one of the sites we reviewed a week or two ago, while I was starting to write this review. The other site was beautiful, with every whiz-bang feature you could think of, but very laggy. Then I looked at Andy Cracicle’s...
Tashfeen Ahmed

Tashfeen Ahmed

There is a lot of content to take in on this site, from the topmost slider images, to the section animations, down to the timeline design. I really dig the effort put into making this site feel filled out and visually rich.
Marcello Pisano

Marcello Pisano

Nifty portfolio site for the illustrator Marcello Pisano. The illustrations are cute and the site is designed to show off the guy’s skill like it’s supposed to. The timed faded in pieces are a nice touch as well.
Orlin Culture Shop

Orlin Culture Shop

Super simple and elegant way to show off your work for an illustrator. I get to just sit here and scroll down the page and take in all this succulent work. Mmmm.