

Really fun website here. It’s fairly straight forward in it’s layout and execution but it’s chock full of animation work and clever pieces that keep you engaged. Win!
Ryan Johnson

Ryan Johnson

Really nice minimal design for this single page portfolio website for product designer Ryan Johnson. I love the main hero image, how he’s done some neat type work and interplaying it with the photo too. Then it’s just all business, showing work in context,...
Malte Gruhl

Malte Gruhl

I think Malte Gruhl out of London, has worked on every ad campaign as a design director ever created – at least it feels like that in his portfolio site. It’s some sweet work encapsulated in good minimalist design. The images seem lower-res so that you can...
Vito Salvatore

Vito Salvatore

Nice portfolio site from Vito Salvatore out of London. Love the big images and especially love the iconography on the “About Me” section – kind of wish there was more. Submitted and reviewed before in 2012…  ...
Giovanni Ghirardi

Giovanni Ghirardi

Giovanni Ghirardi portfolio site, out of Veriona, Italy, has some cool, avant garde stylings. Love how the honeycomb selfie is used with the tilted rectangle to give some real texture above the fold. Also like the hamburger drawer that comes down from the top.  ...