

Beautiful website design for meltmedia. I love every aspect of this website. There’s plenty of little detail work to keep you into it. Like the effect used on the team headshots, love that. Then there’s the case studies too, beautiful look and feel here,...
Archon Spas

Archon Spas

Cool design submission from Drew Bradley @ARCHON_SPAS. I dig the way the design utilizes photography as design elements moreso than just images. Nice work. I wanted to submit this design because it’s unusual for a day spa. Often spas and beauty salons are...


Lots of crazy detail work for the Relate site by InVision. Beautiful work for what i’m sure is a super cool app.


On the surface the layout for Aumcore has that familiar bootstrap vibe. But there’s plenty of custom elements, like the form fields and the way the images are used. Solid either way. Love it. From the Designer: Aumcore is a leading NYC Digital Marketing Agency...