by Gene Crawford | Jun 16, 2016 | Gallery
Lots of standard layout stuff for this web app product, but it’s just. I don’t know, nicer. I love the oversized image for the view of the product and the overall vibe is just nice. Clean simple design that focuses on showcasing the product by avoiding any...
by Gene Crawford | Jun 15, 2016 | Gallery
Pretty cool looking website for Fueled. I dig the background image and vibe it gives off. I really dig the way they show their work on the home page when you scroll, with the fixed position iPhone outline. The page transitions and sub pages are superb as well. Lots of...
by Gene Crawford | Jun 15, 2016 | Gallery, Portfolio
Gotta love great graphic design when you see it. Etienne Ledemay delivers. I love the simplicity that overlays the complexity of the typography and scrolling interactions here. That line also delivers you straight to the bottom of the site. Well done!
by Gene Crawford | Jun 14, 2016 | Gallery
Holy moly, the Waaark site is brilliantly designed, visually. I love all the transitions and detail work with the illustrations. It’s very very unique and you get the vibe of a high end solutions firm here. That said, the transitions in some ways leave me...
by Gene Crawford | Jun 13, 2016 | Gallery
Oh my god. I love the Deckchair site so much. The stuff on the right hand side, the fixed nature of that plus the animated background really make me want to dig into how this thing was put together. The Material Design influence here is obvious too. Love. It. So....