Mark Guldbrandsen

Mark Guldbrandsen

Nice portfolio website. It functions almost like a power point would, with big screens you move between. In that aspect I like the simplicity of the approach. What do you guys think? Does that work for you here?
Get Going Today

Get Going Today

Great use of multiple video backgrounds (and a slider) to tell stories for Drexel University’s Sacramento campus through the site “Get Going Today”. It’s a cool way to navigate through a site, and just explore.
PYCON 2016

PYCON 2016

Good looking home page for PYCON 2016, happening in Portland, Oregon this year. I love the blends of the coloring with the svg work to make the page look really good in any responsive state. It looks to be designed by the Caktus Group out of Baltimore.


Pretty read animation/interactions as you scroll down the page. If you can get over the scroll hijacking here you’ll dig it. The colors are spot on and the overall feel/vibe is very welcoming and soothing.
Frank Digital

Frank Digital

Really good vertical rhythm for the Frank Digital site. I love the top section and how it feeds into the second, third and footer areas. That blog/news section is very nice as well. I love the asymmetry to it all, but at the same time it all comes off quite...