by Gene Crawford | Jan 24, 2012 | Gallery
Not so funny situation creates the scenario where a neat little responsive site can be created. I like the illustration and the mouse-over of the cat. Priceless. Hope you got that sofa!
by Gene Crawford | Dec 9, 2011 | Gallery, Travel
I LOVE the smaller screen size design of The overall design is really nice, but it’s this smaller size that’s just super great. I like the simple two column approach with the sticky header/navigation. Really slick subtle website.
by Maria | Nov 16, 2011 | Gallery, Nonprofit
I had a ton of fun surfing around this site. There’s something fun, real, imaginative, and interesting about it. The color palette, textures, and type give it almost a retro feel. On the dev side of things there are nice touches of CSS3 around and a bit of...
by Gene Crawford | Nov 9, 2011 | Blog, Gallery
I love a really good simple and elegantly designed blog. Fine typography with typekit and a simple two column layout makes this blog a classic.
by Gene Crawford | Sep 26, 2011 | Gallery, Travel
I love to see a website like this where it’s showing off just a ton of information and utilizes basics like size of images and density of content. It’s subtle here, the main column has large(ish) picture and a brief on each feature while the far right...