Jacksonville Art Walk

Jacksonville Art Walk

This site perfectly sells the Jacksonville Art Walk. The colors are inviting the type if accessible to most people yet fresh feeling. It’s also responsive which is a great move since a lot of folks will hit this site while at the event or close trying to find...
Jason Designed

Jason Designed

Overall pretty simple design. I just like scrolling and looking through the work, in a way it’s almost minimal in this aspect, but the color palette is pretty expansive so i’m not quite sure I can give it that moniker. It scales down to support smaller...


I love the visual transitions between section to section. They are simple yet feel almost fantastical as you scroll the page. The logo even changes sizes as you get to the fixed header when you scroll. Super nice details like this make me smile.
Hybrid Conf

Hybrid Conf

Beautiful asymmetrical design here for the Hybrid Conf website. I love it when simple design solutions wind up having such great dynamic results. The offset sidebar with the rounded profile pics just set the whole thing off right. I like the big subscribe box and the...
George Badea

George Badea

Lots of interesting interactions in this website. with some neat easter egg(ish) things, like the skeleton face as you scroll down. Everything seems smooth as you use it and pretty natural in terms of the transitions.