Inside Abbey Road

Inside Abbey Road

Man, I love this virtual tour of Abbey Road Studios done in collaboration with Google and their indoor mapping / 3d imaging / video / webgl work. It all combines into an incredibly cool, immersive experience, complete with quadrophonic sound (if you’re using...
NBA Faceoff

NBA Faceoff

32 Legends – 1 G.O.A.T – I’m sitting here listening to The Script’s Hall of Fame (featuring, one of my son’s favorite songs right now – voting on my favorite NBA players of all time – it’s a good morning. And...


I think this is a cool site – out of Palo Alto – a digital marketplace for private aviation. Very clean and airy with cool animation and video. Also really like the color combination / palette and animated icons on the Operator page.


Very cool site for Bose’s new stuff (me want). Very different way of navigating through the products – the home images are the nav – then I like the vertical nav for the specific product. The URL is special.bose.en – I kind of feel like we all...
Henrik & Sofia

Henrik & Sofia

Bold site from Henrik and Sofia out of Sweden. I like the “cheekiness” of the design of the Selected Work as you go down the page. Good work on the portfolio / work detail pages too.