CSSOff Update #6

Winner announced on Feb 29th In the last update I said we were working really hard to get everything finalized. Well, we’re almost there, I promise. To keep that promise I’m saying here that we’re going to announce the winner(s) on February 29th....

Chat Session: Yaron Schoen

I’ve been a fan of Yaron’s work for a while. Even before I knew who he was. I’ve been a longtime fan of Fantasy Interactive (Fi). He shares some great insight with me about the types of projects he’s worked on, in my opinion huge projects, like...

2012 InControl Conference

I had the good fortune to take the entire UnmatchedStyle team to last year’s InControl Conference in Orlando Florida. I can tell you it was one of the better conferences we attended, and man did we go to a lot of ’em. I took some time out for a quick Skype...

CSSOff Update #5

Welcome to update #5! This is a really short update but an important one! We’ve just now completed all the overall reviews for every single entry. Holy moly that was a ton of work – it totally took us by surprise how difficult it was going to be to review...

CSSOff Update #4

Welcome to update #4! This is a quick update on CSSOff before the holidays strike. We are currently just over 50% done with judging. It’s turned out to take more time than we’d originally thought to get through each entry but we’re really committed...

CSSOff Update #3

Welcome to update #3! Sorry about the lack of an update last week, those of you not in the US may or may not know it was a holiday here for us so we took time to spend with our families and stuff. Judging is progressing well, it’s definitely slow going as we...